HARD II MORROW is a game named like a sequel and its sequel with the same name.
Genre: Arcade/Sports
Platform: PC
Engine: Ogre
Developer: Paradigm
Team: Alexander Lüpke, Alfred Bigler, Daniel Pharros, Martin Kepplinger, Maximilian Eham, Mirko Wiedmer, Philipp Fraunholz, Sebastian Schild
My position: Concept character; 2D cover- and ingame art; story
- 2 old retired wrestlers are left in this nuclear wasted world, figthing each other cause one pisser pissed at the other pissers reactor tank.
HardIImorrow version 1 used Ogre engine. It was our first semester project at the games academy and we decided to create a pong clone and add a pinch of Beat'em up. Result was a 3D postapocalyptical Pong with a "2 and a half D" gameplay. Gladiator player characters fight each other at the cliff of a nuclear waste river. Collect Items to upgrade your ball or try to fill the perfect hit bar for getting 2D quick time event fists on enemys head.
We were real proud and had double sized testicles, when GameStar magacine noticed, that HardIImorroe could be part of their next booklet DVD. Here is the Trailer!
Genre: Arcade/Sports
Platform: Xbox 360 indie
Engine: XNA
Developer: Twisted Bytes
Team: Alexander Lüpke, Alfred Bigler, Daniel Pharros, Martin Kepplinger, Maximilian Eham, Mirko Wiedmer, Philipp Fraunholz, Sebastian Schild, Tim Over
My position: 2D ingame art; story and symbolism
- 4 immortal godheads are left in this nuclear wasted world, figthing each other, cause one proofed that immortals could die and destroyed galatic justice.
HardIImorrow version 2 implemented the porting on xbox 360 and a total makeover. Some of our former teammembers founded twisted bytes and hyred us as freelancer. We added high definition graphics and a few combatvariations, adding 3 new characters as well. The Result is playable on Xbox 360 Indie Market.
Creating a commercial title, with this startup company, while all of us have been in the third semester, this was a total overdose of awesomeness. What a pity, that we didn´t sell very well and Twisted Bytes had to close their office. The disappointment was as big as the epic piece of story, which was pure decadence, to put in in a pong beatém up. But let me say: "Sigmund Freud, don´t foget the Chaos!" Watch the Trailer!
PERVERSO was my try, of using a game for transporting social critisism - The concept was "old GTA meets the feebles on south parks animal farm". 12 monthly shortgames via download were planed, but not produced
Genre: Top down shooter
Platform: PC
Engine: Trinigy Vision
Developer: Asstablishment
Team: Alexander Bentchev, Christoph Becher, Dan Verowski, Knights of Soundtrack, Enrico Wunderlich, Paul Walther, Philipp Fraunholz, Philipp Vogel, Silvio Guerriero, Vivien Langer
Developer: Asstablishment
Team: Alexander Bentchev, Christoph Becher, Dan Verowski, Knights of Soundtrack, Enrico Wunderlich, Paul Walther, Philipp Fraunholz, Philipp Vogel, Silvio Guerriero, Vivien Langer
My position: Visionkeeper; artlead; storydesign; concept; 3D level- and character art; rigging and animatin; presentation
-Perverso is the name of the new world government, after all nations have been unified under one flag. The earth is now leaded by Pope0 and his Perversos. Economy and demography has been total reworked. Main Pillars of industry is men/women working power and water, in order to get rid of the need for nonregenerative resources. Nearly half of the world population is working for the global waterbased lubrication. Lubricant is used for erotic business, which is very popular, since families nearly died out.
After a while, Pope0 prohibited free sex for having more control over the market and a increased win. When masturbation also got subjected by fees, the last radical libertines joined forces and squated newzealand, greenland and trinidad. These Islands are now part of the moesopotamia revoltion and official democratic.
Obvious sexual provocations are used as eye catcher, in order to get full customer attention for my metaphorical conclutions about modern burlesque.I also used sex as omnipresent part of this game, because everyone in the world reference to it, so that players have a familiar access to the story. The combination of flat, well known cliches and recondite interpretations of modern life, seemed to be the perfect mixture for communicating a total unique experience and a very special kind of fascination.
Obvious sexual provocations are used as eye catcher, in order to get full customer attention for my metaphorical conclutions about modern burlesque.I also used sex as omnipresent part of this game, because everyone in the world reference to it, so that players have a familiar access to the story. The combination of flat, well known cliches and recondite interpretations of modern life, seemed to be the perfect mixture for communicating a total unique experience and a very special kind of fascination.
Nam 8 the hard penised nacked mole fighting discrimination, mischief and Sado Motors the 6 nippled monster platypus, together with his busty bunny partner Lola Schluepfer. Choose between kondom-bazooka and orgasm-beam, or use the bondage-pumpgun and kick some chicken-transvestite asses. Free all the pervert conformists and proof that worldleader Pope0 is a real wanker.
Presentations got a hall filler, so a hand full of people joined my team asstablishment. After half a year production in trinigy vision, presentations were still a hit, and the vision of Perverso grew bigger and bigger. But the endproduct was a desastrous bug pregnant, non entertaining and non story telling prototype. Big ideas: big bubbles... but i´ll stay breeding, till my baby is ready to capture the screens, even if I´m loosing the rest of my mind.
ABADDONS ERBE was our graduation project at the Games Academy.
Genre: Hack´n slay/Roguelike mix
Platform: PC
Engine: Ogre
Developer: Mimic
Team: Anne Dahlmann, Christian Krebs, Jan Drabner, Julius Rahring, Knights of Soundtrack, Lars Kokemohr, Lukas Fusshöller Martin Kepplinger; Maximilian Eham, Philipp Fraunholz, Theresa Schlag
My position: 3D weapon- and environment art; story- and quest design
- It is a Roguelike with Torchlight-look, programmed in Ogre. We have been 5 people in the core and produced about 5 month, while we recieved backup of 3 additional teammembers. Abaddons Erbe has got full randomiced and edited levels as well. For that, the ubacool programmers coded 2 kinds of editors and a nice scripting documentation, which makes the game easily to mod. All of my art was self implementable, this is what I absolutely love. We didn´t get really finished, cause we planned a whole to much content. Story implementation has been kicked at the end and blancing is also a bit of crappy. But, we have got 3 main classes (soldier, magican, technican) each with 4 subclasses and 5 kinds of main enemys. Skelettons aswell including additional enemy types, cause they pick up weapons which changes their abillitys. about 40 skills and 60 weapons (i´ve been blacksmith :) ). There is a craft and a retirement system (player gets older and looses skillpoints.... visualiced via animations, models and textures).
We wanted to create a game, where you have a feeling of loss, when your char dies. Like in old classic games, but without getting frustrated. So if you die, your char is gone, forever. But player is getting back up. You could play as son or brother of your original depending on your characters livetime. You could get the fathers armory back, if you kill the monsters which looted your fathers dead corpse. Or use the fathers death as a new chance to reskill your char, if you made mistakes in editing the abillitys.
Story even was about loosing, the pain within and new beginnings. Abaddon was the leader of the Arma Angelus, the elite soldiers of the cristian church. It was promissed that these soldiers should get the angels wings after eliminating the last heaths. The day came, the last nonbeliever fall to ground and Abaddon rises to heaven in order to recieve his soldiers featherarmor. Your chars is sitting around the fire with his family, while he is awaiting the returning of his leader, when suddenly a star dashes through the clouds and burns all the air around. The Fireball stopped right in front of our characters house. The burning Abaddon appears in the flames and damned your entire familie into a dark abyss, without naming a clear reason. The question why should be the impulse, the player is driven by. And the answers you should get, should open new questions, till you reach the point of solving this intrigue. Abaddons Erbe ends with the death of Abaddon and the ultimate answer, with a perfect introduction to part 2 of this game: "Heaven on earth", where angels coming down to our planet, dancing with the devils and it´s on you to turn their music off.
For the download of this endless roguelike and additional informations to the additional informations, especially on sides of programming, please visit Jans page.
VALEDO trains your back, with games controlled by your spine and pelvis.
Genre: Serious Games
Platform: PC
Engine: Unity
Developer: Gyuo.org/Hocoma AG
Team: Alfred Bigler, Anne Dahlmann, Gil Salvado, Philipp Dege, Philipp Fraunholz, Ralf Straube, Theresa Schlag
My position: 3D ingame art; game design
- The swiss company Hocoma specialized on developing healthcaring robots. These robots use your body as input device, in order to succeed a challenge seen on the screen in front of you. This makes it possible to track your body movement and give a direct feedback about your accuracy.
Ralf Straube, former docent and friend, guided us through this experience. The task was, to create some games for Hocomas Valedo. First touch was pretty exciting. I am also edjucated sports- and fitnesssalesman with a fitnesstrainer b-license, so I sticked the 2 sensors to my back and tried to figure out, what's possible with that sensors without breaking my neck.... Pretty much everything. It was a whole lot of fun to create game design ideas with healthy background. In the end we delivered 4 games. One you can see on the example screen on top. Watermelons and citrons falling down onto a rocker. Your goal is to seperate all the fruits and guide them into the right basket. Therefore you had to rotate your pelvis from left to right, for having the control over the rocker
For additional information to Hocoma and their products, plz visit their webpage.
SMEET is a copy of Second Life via 2,5D Flash and my first experience to work in a big game company.
Genre: Social Games
Platform: Browser
Engine: Flash
Developer: SMeet Communications GmbH
Team: Elena Lawin, Ersin Soyer, Philipp Fraunholz, Philipp Vogel, Susan Stephan
My position: Modeling; Texturing; Rigging; Animation
- The Petdepartment, I was part of, had to care about the weekly petproduction. Means marketing is telling you on monday, how many pets and petgimmicks they want and we produce it till friday. I didn´t like the game (if it was one), the companys hierachys and the working atmosphere. Even it was quiet funny to work with Philipp Vogel again, SMeet and I split after half a year.